Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I'm thankful for cousins. I grew up with cousins, 4 who lived in my hometown, 3 who lived a 1-day drive away, and 4 who lived across the country. I remember how much fun we had as kids at holidays & birthdays, continuing the games we left off at the last meeting. Now that we're adults, I don't keep in touch often enough, but when we do meet, it's still just like picking up where we left off. Our lives are very different & we have changed, but because we have so much common history and forged a bond so young, it still feels like close family to me.

I'm thankful that my daughters will have the experience of growing up with cousins. I hope their friendships will endure, and they will someday get together as adults & talk about those crazy aunts, uncles & parents.

We spent Thanksgiving with the cousins and had a very nice time. My niece Katie alternated between working on college applications & showing off her iBook. Here are the photos we took with the iBook camera--featured are me, Meredith, Katie & Julia:

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Monday, November 19, 2007


"Meredith likes sunsets."

I was angry at my husband for taking off with the baby, leaving me with Sylvia. I was exhausted from night after night of multiple child wakings, & I thought he was going to take care of both of the girls while I took a desperately needed nap. But it's hard to stay angry at a daddy who is so delighted to take his baby to watch the sunset.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Sometimes Bad Is Bad

In psychiatry news, I have returned to work from maternity leave. Last week was The Big Transition. It makes a big difference having a job I love with mom-friendly hours--I wasn't glad to leave my baby but I was actually glad to get back to the office. Or at least for the 1st 2 days. Then all hell broke loose. sigh. I am unquestionably being punished by my patients for abandoning them for 10 weeks. I admit I was pretty rattled by the time I left work on Friday. After a weekend to recoup, I'm ready again, and I still think I have the greatest job in the world.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Just wanted to post some photos of my darling daughters.
Sylvia & my sister's cat, Patsy:
My little pumpkin:
Meredith & her baby quilt, made just for her by Regina, a family friend:

Mommy & her baby:

Pajama Party!

Feel free to post comments gushing about how darling they are!

In knitting news: Last year at this time I was knitting like crazy--my garden was done for the season & I needed something to keep me happily occupied. Now that I have a new baby, I don't have one of the things necessary for knitting: 2 free hands. Oh well.