We spent 5 days relaxing at my parents' home. With Granny, GPop, Aunt B. & me there, we had a very sensible 4:2 adult to child ratio and there was always someone to hold the baby. I met my sister K.'s dog, Chaco & got to know her husband a little better too. The girls had some nice playdates with my cousin's 4yr old son Wyatt, who is the nicest boy you'll ever meet. Here they are eating lunch in the playhouse:
My father's retirement party was that night, and it was the party of the year. 38 years as a pediatrician, all those dues now paid. Good food, good jazz band--my dad played his trombone for a short set--and good turnout of the people I remember growing up with. Somehow it didn't seem strange to be an equal adult with my parents friends & colleagues, and calling people by their first names instead of Mr./Mrs./Dr like I did as a child. I don't understand people who moan & groan about getting older. To me, it feels like I am progressing in life just as I should be.
It was so wonderful to see everyone & revisit the great places we used to visit. I was also choked up with nostalgia when we cruised our old neighborhood in St. Louis. I have said goodbye to so many wonderful people & nice places in my 38 years. Some of these of course are inevitable & even happy times, like graduations, and we can continue
connections with people no matter where we are if we make the effort. But it made me realize that I don't want to move on any more. Southern New England is my home now, and we're staying.